? New to Eltham Green Community Church | A diverse, thriving church in Eltham, Royal Greenwich, London


I am new here


Whether you have recently found us online, or you have visited us in person. We extend to you a warm welcome.   If you have not been with us on a Sunday we encourage you to come along at 11:00am (doors open at 10:30 for refreshments).  We enjoy greeting any visitors, whether you are passing through or looking for a church family, or simply interested in faith and have questions.  Whatever your reason you will find a warm reception and a decent cup of coffee waiting for you. 

We look forward to seeing you again soon!



Start with a coffee..

We always start with tea and coffee and an opportunity to greet visitors, catch up briefly with friends and enjoy being together. Community is important to us.  We also follow our meetings with more time for refreshments. 

Worship and a message

Our meetings start with worship. We call this 'open worship', which means there is more of a flow of singing, praise and prayers together followed by a talk from the bible with some application.  We believe in the desire of God to speak to us and also to change our lives, even in this gathering.

Our core belief is in the relevance and power of the Bible as the word of God and the current real active moving of the Holy Spirit amongst his people. So we always want to make room for God to speak, and to move amongst us. 


Young and old are welcome

Youth and children go out to their own groups instead of the bible talk.  We are a family church so we love the little ones and they are free to be involved in our worship together. We have a variety of groups running while the Sunday message is shared including Adventurers up till 7 and Explorers from 8-14 years.  Our older teenagers join the main church in the meeting.


Church for us is more than Sundays

We have various Community Groups that happen during the week.   We encourage our church family to be more than Sunday attenders where they can really find support, care and encouragement. 

See our Community Groups page for details.

Contact us

Contact us for any information or queries

Address and contact details

Eltham Green Community Church
542 Westhorne Avenue
Eltham, London

Click here for Google Maps

T: 020 88501331
E: enquiries@egcc.co.uk